
'Stepping Stones' is a developmental program for Year Nines that builds on the understanding that adolescence can be a balancing act. There is a mixture of fear but also excitement about stepping forward - to step out is to commit to the way ahead. 'Stepping Stones' is an apt description of the experiences that our Year Nines encounter. Some remain finely balanced and proceed with confidence on the stones. Others fall from the stone, renegotiate the way forward and get back on. Stepping stones provide support, freedom and most importantly, they direct the journey forward.

So what does the 'Stepping Stones' program have to do with subject English?

Subject English requires support as well as encouraging independent learning. We recognise that students at this level can be  caught between wanting help and almost at the same time resisting it. The aim is to build engagement through self-directed activities that provide authentic learning experiences - like developing a multimodal text. In this process, students are guided rather than led, encouraged, supported and resourced. In this way, they can navigate the terrain while staying mostly to the path. Being able to engage with the 'Stepping Stones Program' through writing, reflecting and discussing, are key to the experiential nature of the program.

The Stepping Stones elements of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and AWARENESS can be explored in detail in the various topics, themes and experiences of the Year Nine program.

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Queenscliff Experience
Melbourne Experience
Grampians Experience